Thursday, June 25, 2009

This blog has been neglected while I go thru the yuck that was my first trimester. I have been so tired and the motion sickness was bad! We (me and the new baby) seem to have turned the hormonal corner. Ryan is CrAzY and going non stop like a madman. His last day of daycare is tomorrow. Although it is bitter sweet, I think I am ready to look this "stay at home mom" thing in the face. Yep. Combined with Chris doing so well at work and my current pregnant state, the job hunt is off and I am focusing on my favorite things in the world. My family and my home.

So wish me luck...

1 comment:

mitzi said...

i wish you nothing but luck in your new role/job as stay at home mom!! it's got it's moments of being wonderful and then it's moments of being not so wonderful! but you'll be great at it and i know you'll be thankful for every second with your children and family!!!!!

when it gets rough... call me. i'll gladly listen!! :-)
