Monday, February 23, 2009
Here are some pictures of the recent tornado that blew threw our neighborhood. I still think how close we came to getting hit. Ugh! We are blessed...

Two months into this whole unemployment thing and all I have managed is a whole lot of feelings guilt. Tis true, I quit my job in a world where people are loosing them outright everyday. I feel so guilty. But what exactly am I guilty of? I know that the spa I worked for was headed for the toilet. I looked at the numbers and fumbled through the daily desperation of the owners for over a year. We were circling the drain. For a long time. I can't be guilty of anything yet. We are making it just fine. Is it the anticipation of what could happen or just the daily flooding of my brain with all the "recession" news. This is a battle that I think is just beginning. I refuse to loose this battle. Last week was a bad week. Between getting sick, getting turned downed for a job that i was sure I had, and a tornado ripping up my neighborhood. (What? I didn't mention the tornado?) Today, I woke up a bit clearer and not as down on myself. I am a good wife and mother. Is that all, I am? No, but for now, I relish that title, because they are what is keeping me going. Or more importantly, smiling...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Has happiness ever snuck up on you? Last night I was waiting for Chris to start a movie we were going to watch and for the first time in a long time, I realized that I was happy. Happy to just sit. Happy to wait. My job situation had gotten so bad for me, that I was not even able to concentrate well. I couldn't sit still and getting it all over with was a priority. Well today. I am happy to say that I am more at ease. More focused. And more PLEASED that The Bakers are out of my life than the day I left. I still am feeling for the people that they have left hanging. Patients and collegues are calling me to find out why they can't get a hold of them or get money that is owed to them. All I am saying is that, "I don't know." I do. But I just can't be responsible for them anymore. They used me enough. I will continue to pray for the employees still working for them. However, they will see it sooner than later. Everyone has.
In the mean time, our lives have just taken on this great new calmness. The world is in turmoil but we are learning to enjoy what we have. Walks with Ryan, Bike rides together. Movie time and family dinners. I am enjoying doing the things that make me, me. Like taking care of my home, cooking, and laundry. Yes even laundry. Pray for me on Wednesday. I have a second interview, for the job I really want. Five minutes away. It will make an already lucky mommy even luckier...
In the mean time, our lives have just taken on this great new calmness. The world is in turmoil but we are learning to enjoy what we have. Walks with Ryan, Bike rides together. Movie time and family dinners. I am enjoying doing the things that make me, me. Like taking care of my home, cooking, and laundry. Yes even laundry. Pray for me on Wednesday. I have a second interview, for the job I really want. Five minutes away. It will make an already lucky mommy even luckier...