This pregnancy has already been so different than the first. (Dare i day that it is a girl?) And my life is already becoming less mine. I am fighting fatigue like there is no tomorrow. I feel guilty because I just cannot get up sometimes and get things done. My logical mind calls me lazy. With Ryan, I was working. I fought fatigue hard and just kept going. "Gotta keep going, this isn't so bad." Well I am RESTING, this time. I have noticed just a little extra sleep keeps me in the game longer each day and my mood more even. Chris likes that...
Eating. I want to eat healthly. I belong to these webboards and all these moms are eating well balanced diets. Fruit, Veggies, Whole Grains. My question is how do they have room? I am too full from the Captain Crunch and the Moose Tracks ice cream. I am trying to eat healthy. I am. But I would like to tell these women to stop telling lies and admit you are coveting the Krispy Kreme. Speaking of which, only two more weeks until Orlando and I can get a Dunkin Doughnut!!!
Lastly. And I swore that I wasn't going to posted tummy pictures this time. But this totally amazes and is starting to scare me. I have been told that you show early with subsquent pregnancies. But is this possible? Please ignore the inevitable back fat. For some reason, pregnancy immediately places a roll right under my ribs...
6 weeks 5 days with #2
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