Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 1: My Sabbatical

Although, I quit my job over a week ago, today is the first day I feel like I am out of work. With the long holiday weekend and so much going on, I haven't exactly been able to fully absorb what I managed to do. First and for most, I still know that I did the RIGHT thing. I am not sorry, nor will I ever be. Working in that environment distracted me from what was important and took me from my family. My husband was even forced to admit that he was saddened by the fact that he didn't know what he was going to find when he got home in the evenings. Those of you that know me, are probably shocked to find out that I was that unhappy. I wasn't really hiding anything. I had made a choice to stay there and earn a living for my family. In spite, of who they were and what they were doing. Because of all that could and might go down, I am sparing details. But now. I am defending my descision to end it. No regrets. Ever.

So today. I am cleaning!!! Cleaning! Cleaning!

Moving on through...


Anonymous said...

when you know you made the right decision, there is no need to defend it. ever. those of us that respect you... will accept it... no matter what.

enjoy the cleaning!!!!

much love....

Tim Justynski said...

I am happy that you are happy! Can my house be next? :o)

Anonymous said...

what could and might go down....inform me please!!! i've been cleaning today feels good. i'm praying for ya!
much love,