Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hey did ya'll know there is an election today???

So this morning. After voting. I was listening to the "Early Show" on my drive into work. Something was said that made me very proud of this election. No matter what happens today. No matter who wins. History will be made. This election has been remarkable for so many reasons. These candidates have brought back the enthusiam and excitment of a campaign. Voters now again have opinions about their futures. They feel like the government is listening and is going to do something to change where we are and where we are going as a nation.
So think about the possibilities.
100 years ago their were 134 million people in this country. 2 million of them were slaves. Now tonight. An African American could be elected president.
Not long ago. Women didn't even have the right to vote. Now tonight. The first woman could be elected to the White House.
I find comfort in the fact that Americans want something NEW. They want something DIFFERENT. Senator Obama. Senator McCain. Whoever, is elected will not get tomorrow off. You will be held accountable and if you do not deliver. This generation will NOT let you slide. Know it.

So I am headed out of work now. I can't wait to get home tonight to watch Brian Williams walk all over that huge map of the United States.
First, I have a doctors appointment though. Today is such an exciting day. A new president and a pap smear. GOD I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!!

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